Opening hours:

Monday – Friday: 9:30AM – 7:00PM
Saturday: 9:30AM – 7:00PM
Sunday & Public Holidays: 10:00AM – 6:00PM


Caffe Pascucci

Probably, the dream of every entrepreneur, executive and manager is to achieve his/her company excellence.

With total quality, efficiency and constant improvement, attaining this aim is quite difficult but not impossible. Achieving a complete harmony inside the company is certainly the “wish” to fulfil. The harmony of every individual is linked to many factors; an entrepreneur or a manager cannot turn a switch on in order to put it in the human soul.
Anyway, the entrepreneur has to feel the desire of a global harmony and convey this feeling, craving for it. He must promote and communicate it.

At Pascucci we know that promoting harmony and sowing its seeds at work is a good way to improve the human being and its actions.

At Pascucci we know that working with the utmost respect for human dignity and for the surrounding environment let us find again balance and cooperation until reaching the right harmony.

At Pascucci we promote a balanced relationship with farmers, as well as with our suppliers, our working staff and our customers, in order to drive them to work better and better.

We want you to be richer.

Matching two words like passion and work could seem a bit excessive, but how could you call that stream of feelings which draws each component of the family and the whole staff of Pascucci to work together in the best way and in every company sector? The link with coffee and its brand name is the real motivation for Pascucci, the biggest spur to search for excellence.
Passion, enthusiasm, wish to improve: the Pascucci gift for every operator.
At Pascucci we learnt the existence of two work methods: work well or work well with passion.
We know that the result of these two work methods is not really the same.
Spreading this sensitiveness among all operators is not an easy thing.
But the human resources of Pascucci are the real company treasure.
This is what we trade together with coffee.